HireLah! is a productivity app designed to help busy interviewers manage multiple interview sessions in an orderly manner. During each interview session, HireLah! helps the user to keep track of interviewee information and interview rubrics in one central location, making the interview process more efficient.
HireLah! has the following main features:
Manage multiple interview sessions.
Manage interview rubrics for each interview session, including:
Attributes to look out for in interviewees.
Questions to ask interviewees.
Metrics to rank interviewees based on their performance.
Manage remarks and score entered by the user during an interview.
Rank interviewees based on particular sets of attributes or a metric after interviews.
Export interview transcripts as reference.
HireLah! is a desktop application. It has a GUI (Graphical User Interface), but most of the user interactions occur using a CLI (Command Line Interface)
This application was built upon the AddressBook-Level3 project created by SE-EDU initiative.
Some parts of this sample application were inspired by the excellent Java FX tutorial by Marco Jakob.
Libraries used: JavaFX, Jackson, JUnit5, TestFX, Apache PDFBox